A hippo trail, holiday bible club and a dip in South African sea...
With just less than 2 weeks to go, time really is flying so I'm trying to make the most of my final couple of weeks here.
Last weekend I visited St Lucia and visited some of the beaches there and also went on a hippo boat trip!
MusaweNkosi is gearing up for their Holiday Bible Club which happens in the last week of June and first week of July.
The club is run in two different rural locations - the first week will be in Entoyeni (where the children's home is situated) and the second week will be in Enseleni (where the feeding scheme is.)
Usually they have a team of 12 come over from Northern Ireland who plan and run the event but this year there isn't a team coming out.
Despite this, they have decided to still go ahead with the volunteers they have availabile, as this is an amazing opportunity to share the gospel with hundreds of children who've likely never heard it before. In previous years they've had anywhere between 100-300 children show up each week.
This year's theme is 'People who Jesus met' - so they will be looking at 4 different Bible stories (Nicodemus, Zacheas, the paralysed man and the theif on the cross). The kids will hear the stories, listen to a short message, learn a memory verse, do quizzes, games, songs and also receive a meal.
Please pray that the children that come will be receptive and be able to receive the gospel and take it home to their families.
Unfortunately I, won't be here to help run the club, however I'm helping to plan some of the sessions, prepare resources etc over the next couple of weeks.
On Saturday, another volunteer (Kizzy) arrived and she'll be hear for 5 weeks - it's been great having another volunteer here!
On Sunday I took Kizzy to Pelican Island (one of the regular beaches I've been to) and we had our first dip in the South African sea which was very pleasant!
This Saturday there will also be 2 more German volunteers arriving.
Zulu people have amazing voices - last Friday some of the kids performed for us!
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